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Nomination of EPEX Spot First Exchange Council

Paris/Leipzig, 10 September 2009 – EPEX Spot SE Board has nominated the members of the Exchange Council. EPEX Spot Exchange Members will therefore be represented by:

  • Mr. Sven Becker, Trianel
  • Mr. Pierre Chevalier, DB Energie
  • Mr. Emanuele Colombo, RTE
  • Mr. Paul Dawson, RWE Supply and Trading
  • Mr. Emmanuel Deutsch, EDFT
  • Mr. Felix Ernst, Deutsche Bank
  • Mr. Nigel Hawkins, ENEL Trade
  • Mr. Peter Heydecker, ALPIQ Holding
  • Dr. Günther Rabensteiner, Verbund-APT
  • Mr. Charles Rankin, Morgan Stanley
  • Mr. Christian Triol, CNR
  • Mr. Joachim Vanzetta, Amprion
  • Mr. Lars Wlecke, E.ON Energy Trading
  • Mr. Ulrich Woesler, Electrabel

In addition, Mr. Vincent van Lith, BHF-BANK, will represent the Clearing Members and Mr. Jan Keppler, Paris-Dauphine University, the academic community.  

The Exchange Council is a new exchange body, implemented by EPEX Spot’s harmonized Rules and Regulations published on September 1st. The Exchange Council will decide on Rules and Regulations modifications in accordance with Exchange Rules and on other strategic aspects of EPEX Spot’s operations (new products, new trading systems, etc.). It will meet at least once every quarter.
During its first meeting held on September 9th, the Exchange Council elected Dr. Günther Rabensteiner as Chairman and Mr. Pierre Chevalier, Mr. Peter Heydecker and Mr. Ulrich Woesler as Vice-Chairmen.  Furthermore, the Exchange Council appointed Mrs. Florence Vary as EPEX Spot’s Market Surveillance Officer.

EPEX Spot would like to thank the Chairman, the Vice-Chairmen and the members of the Exchange Council for their involvement in the operations of the Exchange.  

EPEX Spot SE is a Paris-based company under European law (Societas Europae). EEX and Powernext each hold 50 percent in the joint company, in which they integrated their entire spot power trading activities. The product range of EPEX Spot SE encompasses spot power trading for France, Germany/Austria and Switzerland. These countries account for more than one third of the European power consumption.