Based on the Trading and Cooperation Agreement agreed by the EU and UK, trading arrangements for cross-border electricity trading exclude Great Britain from the Internal Energy Market (IEM) and European Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC).
Interim Trading Arrangements
Based on the Trading and Cooperation Agreement set out, GB’s electricity market is not part of the Internal Energy Market.
All EPEX SPOT GB Day-Ahead and Intraday markets continue to run. However, the GB Day-Ahead 60 min auction is no longer part of the European Single Day-ahead Coupling (SDAC). Since the end of the transition period, the interconnectors on the borders of GB-FR, GB-BE and GB-NL run explicit auctions for their capacity.
The applicable European regulatory framework facilitated GB’s power exchanges to compute a single GB Day-Ahead reference price through a joint implicit capacity allocation service. Now each power exchange runs and calculates their own Day-Ahead auction results independently of any cross-border capacity allocation process and of each other.
Market coupling continues to operate on our GB Intraday auctions coupled with Ireland where the cross-border capacity between the Island of Ireland and Great Britain remains implicitly allocated on the GB IDA1 (17:30 GMT) and GB IDA2 (8:00 GMT) auctions.

Future Arrangements: What we stand for
We support a fast transition towards a new enduring trading arrangement between GB and the EU. The new trading arrangements, that outline a multi-region loose volume coupling arrangement, should deliver an efficient, non-discriminatory implicit allocation of cross-border capacity, supported by a single reference price calculation process by the GB power exchanges.
Interconnectors that wish to use market-coupling to allocate capacity to or from GB should ensure that their capacity benefits all consumers – meaning that auction marketplaces should have equal access to such capacity for their market participants.
GB markets and trading solutions: What we offer
GB Day-Ahead market
- At EPEX SPOT, we provide the most reliable reference price, as already proven in the past, due to the high number of active members that participate in the auction every day as well as the strong diversity of market interests.
- The GB Day-Ahead auction 60min at EPEX SPOT is providing the most competitive marketplace based on our large and diverse GB trading community.
- We see a constant increase of traded volumes on the GB Day-Ahead auction 60min in the past months, ensuring liquidity on the exchange with the auction accounting for the third largest volumes traded at EPEX SPOT.
- Following the GB Day-Ahead auction 60min, the GB Day-Ahead auction 30 min at 15:30 (GMT) provides members with additional trading opportunities to balance their physical portfolios and to further optimize their generation portfolio.
GB Intraday auction markets
- Over the past months, we have seen growing member interest and monthly trading records on both GB Intraday auctions (GB IDA1 & IDA2) that will remain coupled with Ireland.
- These auctions are the perfect tools to optimize with high flexibility your Intraday portfolio while benefitting from arbitrage opportunities as well as a reinforced Intraday robust reference price.
GB Intraday continuous market
- Further opportunities to rebalance on our GB Intraday market which boasts #1 in liquidity, providing a robust RPD index.
- Highest performing M7 trading system with more than 10,000,000 orders submitted daily with over 99.9% availability rates.
- Our API solutions provide scalability and high resiliency to system load, technical support from our most qualified experts and compatibility with the largest community of certified ISVs.