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Auction > Intraday > SIDC IDA1 > DE-LU > 26 July 2024

Last update: 25 July 2024 (15:19:00 CET/CEST)
Time Range


MCV Volume

Total: 22,836.5 MWh
As pan-European Intraday Auctions IDA3 cover 12 hourly delivery periods, “Baseload” indices are computed on delivery periods from 12:00CET to 24:00CET and “Peakload” indices are not published. Please note that the IDA3 for delivery on 03/07/2024 and the associated market results have been cancelled

Content of this site only to be used for internal reasons. Commercial usage is only allowed after explicit approval of EPEX. Please click here for full terms and conditions usage market data.